It Start’s With a Great Offensive Line Stance

It Start’s With a Great Offensive Line Stance

In the o-line everything we do starts with our offensive line stance.

Coach Derby always says, “Playing offensive line is not a natural thing.”

Running, throwing, catching and kicking are all natural actions for our bodies.

Great offensive linemen start with a great offensive line stance.

Getting in a good three point stance is not a natural action.

Firing off the ball, staying low, and blocking are not natural actions.

All of these actions must start with a great stance that we are comfortable getting in and out of.

So how do we make an unnatural action feel natural?

Repetition. repetition, repetition.

Just like anything else we learn to do athletically, we learn it through repetition and muscle memory.

5 Key Elements of a Great Offensive Line Stance


Every good football stance, regardless of position, requires a solid base.

For offensive lineman finding a comfortable, powerful and effective base can be challenging.

Many young players, especially bigger kids, often have a really wide base in their stance.

They do this because it’s easier and more comfortable.

The problem when players get much wider than their shoulders is that they lose mobility.

We want our offensive linemen to be able to move in all directions out of the same stance.


Another common issue for young offensive linemen is getting them off their toes in their stance.

This is also difficult because it’s easier and more comfortable to be on your toes than to keep your whole foot in the ground.

One of things we talk to our players about is keeping the whole foot in the ground in our stance and when we block.

Doing this helps us to take full advantage of our power base activating muscles up through our quads, hips and glutes.

Having our whole foot in the ground in our stance also helps us to maintain our balance and allows us quick take-off in any direction.

Light Hand

How many times, as a defensive player, have you seen offensive linemen with white knuckles.

Dead giveaway telling which direction that player is headed, right?

We want to be just as explosive, in any direction, without tipping off where we are going.

We can do this if we rely on our power base and feet to provide balance and keep minimal weight on our down hand.

Don’t give away what you’re doing with your offensive line stance.

Flat Back & Head Up

If you are looking at ground as a blocker then that’s where you end up.

And you can’t block anyone lying on the ground.

You also need to see where you are going from your offensive line stance.

Keep your head up and keep your back flat.

Young players have one of two problems.

They either squat like frogs or have no knee bend with their butt up in the air.

Offensive linemen need to find that happy medium, get that flat back and be coiled to strike.

Power producing position

One of my college coaches favorite lines, “You need a “Z” in the knee!”

Linemen need to be knee-benders not waist-benders.

The easiest way that I’ve been able to explain this to kids is to tell them to get their thighs parallel to the ground.

Offensive linemen need to be able to generate force off the line in any direction.

To do that you need to have good knee bend.

The thing you have to be careful of is not to get frog squatters.

You know… that guy who’s butt is a foot below his knees.

Balance is the key to an all-way go from your stance and you need that knee bend to have balance.

Stance has to be one of the pillars of building a great offensive lineman.

Too many coaches overlook the importance of spending time on a players stance.

Without the proper offensive line stance players will not reach their potential.

Spend time on your stance.

Get comfortable in it and make it second nature.

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Play Big!


Coach Steve

How to Handle Coaching Changes

How to Handle Coaching Changes

This time of year we see a lot of coaching changes in football.

Losing a coach can be devastating and learning to live with a new coach can be even more difficult.

One of the most difficult coaching changes for me came right before my senior year in college.

My position coach left the University of Wisconsin to coach for the Philadelphia Eagles.

At the time… I was crushed.

And honestly, a little scared.

In college, your position coach is often your most trusted mentor.

They know you better than anyone.

For me, Coach Callahan was the reason I got a chance to play.

He was a tough coach.

However, his attention to detail and demand for technical excellence fit me and my personality.

I needed someone to be the demanding perfectionist.

It’s what allowed me to grow and thrive in college football.

It all turned out okay with the new offensive line coach.

However, I always wonder what I missed out on without him there my senior year.

I also remember the things I learned having to adjust to a new coach.

He was also a great coach too, he  just had a different style.

What I had to do was get over the loss and move on.

I realized that experiencing a new point of view can be very beneficial.

In the end it made me a better player and a far better coach.

Let’s look at some tips to handling coaching changes.

Tips to Handling Coaching Changes

When a Coach Leaves…

Understand their reason for leaving.

It’s not just players that dream of being successful.

Coaches, especially position coaches, may have aspirations to be coordinators or head coaches.

When opportunities for advancement come along, coaches have to look out for themselves and their families.

This is their career and their livelihood.

Most coaches will let their players know why they are leaving and try to explain their situation.

Be sure to look at it from their perspective and not just your own.

Wish them well.

When you have a coach for several years (in my case it was 4 years), you create a relationship.

Just like the guys you play with become family, often a coach does as well.

It’s not just hard on the player.

Coaches struggle with this change as well.

Their players become very special to them and it’s a difficult decision to leave.

Wish them well and let them know what they have meant to you.

Try to stay in touch.

It’s crazy how the world works sometimes.

NEVER burn a bridge.

The relationships you create in football can last a lifetime.

You never know when your paths will cross again.

Maybe on another team in the future.

Maybe in business.

Maybe just in the craziness of our lives.

However it happens try to stay in touch.

Your coach will appreciate it and you can continue to learn from your mentor for years to come.

When a New Coach Arrives…

Be open to their coaching.

Every coach is different.

The style in which they run practice, call plays and talk to players will vary.

You need to have an open mind to these changes.

Coaches do things a certain way for a reason.

Often times it’s because they’ve had success that way.

Embrace the change and get behind it.


You have to have good communication to have a good relationship.

Talk to your coach.

If you don’t understand something ask.

However, don’t preach about how things used to be.

Move on and figure out what your new coach is looking for.

Be a leader.

This is your chance to step forward and lead.

Show you new coach that you wan to be a leader.

You do that by setting an example.

Be positive and rally your teammates to get behind the new coach.

Nothing destroys a team quicker than a divided locker room.

Step up and be a leader.

If you you found value with today’s post please like, comment and share.

Play Big!


Coach Steve

New Year’s Resolutions… Will You Persevere?

New Year’s Resolutions… Will You Persevere?

Perseverance was the word of the day we used this past week in our trench training session.

This was a powerful word that I had not thought of for a while and I found that it has everything to do with our tradition of starting New Year’s resolutions.

We need to learn to persevere through the tough times and raise our standards to achieve success.

95% of people will not follow through and complete their resolutions and will quit trying by the 15th of January.

This is only 15 days after setting these goals.

Why is this?

A video I watched recently from Tony Robbins answered this question. Here’s what I go from that video.

Statistics show that 95% of people who make a resolution have already stopped their resolution by January 15th.

I think this is very important because I know I have made probably 35 resolutions and I do not actually believe I have ever kept to one.

This really ticks me off to be honest.

I look at it as wasted goals and wasted time.

However what Tony says makes absolute sense to me!!

We have to raise our standards.

We have to change our Shoulds to Musts!

He tells us we cannot change who we are if we do not raise these standards that were given us and that we accepted many years ago.

“We live who we believe we are!”

If we truly believe we are an athlete then we will work, walk and talk like an athlete.

If we truly believe we are a singer then we will sing at the top of our lungs every chance we get.

If we believe we are no good then every opportunity for us to make an excuse or put ourself down we will take advantage of this.

To truly make a resolution to change we need to raise our standards so that Shoulds become Musts.

How in the heck do we do this?

Is it simple?

The answer is YES.

Is it easy?

That answer is… it depends.

It depends on how committed you are to changing a should into a must.

Lasting change is different than a goal.

You don’t always get your goals but you will always get your musts.

When you decide something is a must you will make a real resolution to raise your standard.

Whats a must?

Maybe you should stop eating sugar.

You would reduce it for a while and then you would go back.

But for some reason something clicked and we stopped doing it.

Maybe it was a life change (sickness, saw a video, watched a friend die etc.)

Then it became a must.

Once we get this must, then we change our life.

There are 3 things to do to raise your standard.

4 Steps for Changing a Should to a Must

Step #1: Have a vision.

Make a vision that is compelling for instance something like this…

You can’t just tell yourself, “I want to lose 10 lb.”

Be specific

What do you look like when you reach your goal weight?

How do you feel?

How do other people see you?

See it like it has already happened.

Step #2: Make it compelling.

Your Must has to be compelling.

Your reason for this change has to be strong enough to get you through the toughest of days.

This is critical.

Let’s take our example of losing weight.

Losing weight is many times not compelling enough for us to consider it a Must.

You still make it through your days being heavy,

You may not feel as good as you like be you find ways to adapt to it.

You buy bigger clothes to cover it up, you avoid going out, you poke fun at yourself to seem okay with it around friends.

So how do you make this a compelling reason?

You have to raise your standard to not be as heavy as you are.

You raise your standard to be healthy, to get strong, to live longer, and to feel better.

You have to change the way you think.

Stop wishing and start doing.

Step #3: Review it every day.

This is as critical as the first two steps.

It has to be something that you visit every single day.

Write it down, put it somewhere you will see it every day.

You need to keep your focus on the vision of who or what you are going to be!

By doing this daily you are changing those standards that you were given or accepted when you were younger.

Step 4: Monitor your progress.

You need to know you feel you are making progress.

What is progress?

Progress is competing with yourself and yourself alone.

This is really important because when you compare yourself to others you put the focus on the wrong person.

Focus on you and your progress.

We need to feel we are making daily progress.

Sometimes it will be very small progress.

As long as we continue to move in the right direction your Must will become reality.

Here is an example I have had to deal with recently.

While lifting weights or trying to lose weight I would get very frustrated.

When I would watch others gain more than me in strength and lose more weight quicker than I was, it drove me nuts.

So I would go very strong for a few weeks or even a couple months but then I would ultimately quit.

I was trying for the should.

I should be in better shape.

I should lose some weight.

But a couple years ago I decided I must change my health so that I can live longer to enjoy my two daughters.

I decided it was a must for me to keep with an exercise program.

If I was to focus on the progress I am making I will feel happier about where I am at.

I am not where I want to be but when I look at where I was even 6 months ago and see the progress, I feel better right away.

My must is being accomplished one day at a time!

We need to change the standard we have learned to accept from our past.

Here is a good example of a standard or a learned behavior set in youth.

An elephant is tied to a large pole in the ground with a very heavy rope.

The elephant fights the rope and pole over and over but cannot set itself free.

This happens when the elephant is young.

After a while the elephant no longer fights to get free.

When they are going around to shows and they use very small stake and rope.

The elephant’s standard was set as a young elephant so they don’t fight the rope or stake.

Obviously the full grown elephant could very easily yank the stake out of the ground and run be it does not because of the standard that he or she has accepted as reality.

Some of the learned behaviors we have from our youth are good.

But if you have a learned behavior that keeps you from reaching your goals then make the change.

If you are going to have lasting change you will raise your standards.

Make today the day you raise your standards.

Be the person that you truly want to be by raising the standards to that of a successful you in exactly what it is you want to be!

Have a great day and remember to always Play Big.


Coach Glenn

Coach Glenn

5 Questions To Ask When Setting Goals

5 Questions To Ask When Setting Goals

This time of year we all think about what our goals are for the new year.

We also reflect on the previous year.

Unfortunately we often dwell too long on our failures instead of building on our successes.

While it’s good t reflect on the previous year, you have to keep your focus forward.

As we look at our goals for the new year I want you to ask yourself these 5 questions.


5 Questions for Goal Setting Success


1. Are your goals really yours?

You might be asking yourself, “Who the heck’s goals would they be?”

Well… we often do what we think we are expected to do and not always what’s important to us.

Don’t let others dictate your goals.

Search your feelings, Luke. (The new Star Wars movie was awesome.)

But seriously, be sure that you are going after the things YOU are passionate about.

2. Are your goals meaningful?

This question goes hand-in-hand with the question above.

Your goals have to excite you.

If you aren’t excited about achieving your goals then you won’t achieve them.

Goals need to mean something to you.

Something powerful that’s going to keep you working when you don’t feel like working.

They also have to be relevant to your success.

What are the things you need to improve?

What goals can you set to make sure you make those improvements?

Not sure?

Talk to your coach.

Have them help you figure out where you need to improve your game and the goals you can set for this year.

3. Are your goals realistic?

If you are currently running a 5.8 second 40 yard dash, setting a goal to run a 4.6 second 40 in 3 months is probably not realistic.

I don’t want to tell anyone what they can and can’t accomplish.

However, having unrealistic and unattainable goals will not help you succeed.

Set your goals high but allow yourself realistic time to achieve them.

Look at the successful players that came before you.

How do you stack up to the standard that they set.

Let that be a guide for your goal setting.

Again, your coach can help you set realistic and attainable goals.

4. Do your goals challenge you?

On the other end of the spectrum you need to make sure that you are challenged by the goals you set.

It does you no good to set goals that you can easily achieve.

You need to find that balance.

Set goals that require you to stretch to your limits.

Set goals that are just beyond your grasp.

When you achieve them, set new ones that are again just beyond your reach.

This makes me think of one of my favorite quotes.

To get something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done. Click To Tweet

What are you willing to do to achieve your goals?

Are you willing to learn new things and work harder than you ever have before?

You’ll have to if you want to reach challenging goals.

5. Are your goals specific and measurable?

You need to be very specific about what your goals.

What exactly do you want to achieve and by what date?

Don’t just say, “I want to lose weight this year”, or  “I want to get stronger this year.”

Write down an exact weight and the exact date you will get to that weight.

“I will weight 245 pounds on September 1st, 2017.”

Write down what your 1 rep squat max will be on a specific date.

“I will squat 300 pounds on August 31st, 2017.”

The more detailed you are the more you will envision yourself achieving that goal.

That vision will drive you to succeed and any goal will become attainable.

If you you found value with today’s post please like, comment and share.

Play Big!


Coach Steve

Why We Are Grateful For Football

Why We Are Grateful For Football

During the holiday season we all tend to reflect a bit more.

We think a lot about all the things for which we are grateful.

In today’s post Coach Glenn and I want to let you know why we are grateful for football and what it has meant to us.

Why Coach Glenn is Grateful for Football

In college I had an awesome head coach (Dave McClain) that taught me a lot of lessons in my 3 years with him prior to his untimely and unfortunate passing.

He said “men, life is a lot like football. The lessons we learn on the field can be directly related to real life challenges in our careers and in our family lives.”

At the time much went in one ear and out the other. And when my career ended abruptly I had a real bad taste in my mouth when it came to football.

I ended up getting into coaching shortly after I left playing and I found myself angry and riding the players I coached way too hard.

I left the game for a while. In that time I did some self searching and found many of the lessons I learned on the field start to come to fruition in my personal life.

The past decade I have had a lot of personal turmoil go on in my life.

My anger and bad feelings regarding football have subsided and partly because of football my attitude has turned more to gratitude.

Today I realize how much I actually have learned and gained from football.

I know the anger and issues were more about my personal failures and had nothing to do with the great game of football!

As Christmas is approaching and our Trench Training community is becoming a reality for me, along with my coaching experiences, I am so so grateful for this game.

And the coaches teammates and players I have had the pleasure of coaching are very important to me today.

Tony Robbins talks a lot about daily gratitude being the one thing that can ultimately change our entire lives and I believe that now having done this and seen how my life has changed.

Being a father has also revealed to me, many times, the lessons popping up that I learned playing and coaching.

I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and hope that you all find the gratitude inside you that the Christmas season can reveal.

Coach Glenn

Coach Glenn

Why Coach Steve is Grateful for Football

Football has taught me so many lessons and I am grateful for all of them.

Respect, sportsmanship, hard work, discipline, self-confidence and teamwork to name just a few.

There is, however, one lesson from playing and coaching football that has served me above all others in my life.


It’s not something I ever really thought about while I was playing football.

I didn’t truly realize the importance until I became a dad.

My wife and I have 4 amazing children.

Our oldest son Kaden is 11 years old and when he was 2, he was diagnosed with a very rare, very serious disease.

Nothing prepares you for hearing this.

Nothing hurts more than seeing your child in pain.

There have been times when I felt like I just couldn’t handle everything that goes with caring for Kaden.

I still feel that way at times.

But there is no giving up.

Just like there was no quitting on my team, there is no quitting on my family.

We have to persevere.

We have to keep going no matter what stands in our way.

Our family has learned over the last 9 years to cherish every moment together.

We are never afraid to do anything because we know how to persevere.

I feel the same way about our Trench Training program.

This community is growing slowly but it is growing with a strong foundation.

That’s how I know it will persevere.

I feel extremely grateful for the life I have had to this point and football has played such a huge role in my success.

I’m so excited to see what the future brings with Trench Training.

We are Playing BIG!

Have a safe and happy holiday. We are incredibly grateful for all of you being a part or our Trench Training family.


Coach Steve

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The Little Things Matter

The Little Things Matter

The little things don’t matter.

Does it really matter if my stance is perfectly balanced?

Do I really need to get my hands on that exact spot for my block?

Does my first step really have to be 4 inches?

What’s the big deal?

These are such little things that can’t matter that much, right?


The little things generally make the difference between average players and good players.

The little things always make the difference between good players and great players.

One thing I realized very quickly in college was that I was not as strong as most of the guys I played with.

I was never going to win a starting job with brute force on the o-line at Wisconsin.

It had to be done with technique.

Luckily for me, my position coach Bill Callahan was obsessed technique.

The little things meant everything to Coach Callahan.

That was my in…

He was the toughest coach I ever had but because of him, I was able to play at a very high level.

Do you think the little things mean much to me?

They mean everything!

And if you want to reach your potential they should mean everything to you too.

So how do you start taking advantage of doing all the little things?

Pay attention to the details.

In order to do the little things right, you have to know what the right little things are.

To do that you have to pay attention to the details.

You have to LISTEN and LEARN!

When you’re at practice you need to focus on the details.

There is no close.

There is no almost.

It is or it isn’t.

You need to know exactly, to the inch, how take your steps.

How to punch that 6 inch landmark.

How to perfectly balance your stance.

Every little detail.

That’s how you continue to improve your game.

Every day.

One little thing at a time.

Learn to be disciplined.

“Shined shoes save lives.” – General Norm Schwarzkopf

General Schwarzkopf knows that in battle, under extreme pressure, the undisciplined die.

It takes incredible discipline to do the little things right day in and day out.

Many times it’s the things that no one knows you do.

Only you know.

Only you will ever know.

That’s discipline.

Doing the little things right when no one else is watching.

Learn that skill and you will always succeed.

Form habits to succeed.

Once you know the details and you learn discipline, you have the recipe to form winning habits.

Successful people get up before everyone else.

They don’t watch 6 shows every week.

They don’t play 3 hours of video games every night.

Successful people only allow themselves to form habits that help them win.

I believe you can from a new habit in 30 days.

In just 30 days you can create habits that can make you successful.

What habits will you form?

Will they move you closer to your goals?

Or will they move you farther away from your goals?

The choice is yours.

Use your attention to details and your discipline and form habits that win.

If you you found value with today’s post please like, comment and share.

Play Big!


Coach Steve

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