Dealing with a Loss in Football
Dealing with a loss in football is never easy.
Let’s just say it… losing SUCKS!
Everyone will deal with a loss in football.
I can guarantee you will not go undefeated your entire career.
We all experience difficult losses in football and in life.
How we handle those losses and what we learn form those losses makes us who we are.
In today’s video I discuss some ways to turn a loss into you most valuable learning experiences.
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Lessons from Dealing with a Loss
Dealing with a loss reveals your character.
Compared to dealing with a loss, winning is easy.
Although, winning has it’s difficult moments as well.
Both will reveal the character of a player… but a loss, even more so.
Football is an emotional game.
Players will face adversity in every game they play.
How you deal with that adversity defines a player.
I had a chance to watch my Wisconsin Badgers beat LSU this past weekend and it was awesome.
… if you are Badger fan.
Many people are still talking about a cheap shot that an LSU linemen gave a badger player at the end of the game.
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That’s what losing can do to some players.
Emotions and frustration run high.
A young man makes a mistake and not only did he lose a game but now he has to face a suspension.
That’s a difficult lesson but one that I hope he learns.
Keep emotions in check.
As I said above, football is a very emotional sport.
Keeping an even head can be tough.
Players never want to get too high with a win or too low with a loss.
If you play sports you have to have a short memory.
That doesn’t mean a player can’t celebrate a win or be upset about a loss.
But players have to move on quickly especially when you have a game next week.
What kind of a teammate are you?
NEVER play the blame game on a football team.
We win together and we lose together.
No one player is solely responsible for a win or a loss.
That’s the great thing about football. It is the ultimate team sport.
When players start pointing fingers at others after a loss, the team suffers.
That kind of behavior is toxic on a football team and will ensure that team is not successful.
Instead players need to pick each other up.
Have an appreciation for what your teammates do.
Realize that everyone’s job is important and EVERYONE will make mistakes.
Be a good teammate and be a leader.
Realize why you lost.
Why did you lose?
Was the other team more talented?
Did they execute better than you?
Was it a lack of effort from your team?
You need to understand why you lost in order to learn and get better.
Focus on the things that YOU can control.
How can you improve from week to week?
Someone has to win and someone has to lose.
Losses teach us much more than wins.
If you make dealing with a loss a strength those losses can help build championships.
Always be learning and always continue to get better.
I hope you found value with these tips on dealing with a loss.
If you did please like, comment and share.
Play Big!
Coach Steve