Why We Are Grateful For Football
During the holiday season we all tend to reflect a bit more.
We think a lot about all the things for which we are grateful.
In today’s post Coach Glenn and I want to let you know why we are grateful for football and what it has meant to us.
Why Coach Glenn is Grateful for Football
In college I had an awesome head coach (Dave McClain) that taught me a lot of lessons in my 3 years with him prior to his untimely and unfortunate passing.
He said “men, life is a lot like football. The lessons we learn on the field can be directly related to real life challenges in our careers and in our family lives.”
At the time much went in one ear and out the other. And when my career ended abruptly I had a real bad taste in my mouth when it came to football.
I ended up getting into coaching shortly after I left playing and I found myself angry and riding the players I coached way too hard.
I left the game for a while. In that time I did some self searching and found many of the lessons I learned on the field start to come to fruition in my personal life.
The past decade I have had a lot of personal turmoil go on in my life.
My anger and bad feelings regarding football have subsided and partly because of football my attitude has turned more to gratitude.
Today I realize how much I actually have learned and gained from football.
I know the anger and issues were more about my personal failures and had nothing to do with the great game of football!
As Christmas is approaching and our Trench Training community is becoming a reality for me, along with my coaching experiences, I am so so grateful for this game.
And the coaches teammates and players I have had the pleasure of coaching are very important to me today.
Tony Robbins talks a lot about daily gratitude being the one thing that can ultimately change our entire lives and I believe that now having done this and seen how my life has changed.
Being a father has also revealed to me, many times, the lessons popping up that I learned playing and coaching.
I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and hope that you all find the gratitude inside you that the Christmas season can reveal.
Coach Glenn
Why Coach Steve is Grateful for Football
Football has taught me so many lessons and I am grateful for all of them.
Respect, sportsmanship, hard work, discipline, self-confidence and teamwork to name just a few.
There is, however, one lesson from playing and coaching football that has served me above all others in my life.
It’s not something I ever really thought about while I was playing football.
I didn’t truly realize the importance until I became a dad.
My wife and I have 4 amazing children.
Our oldest son Kaden is 11 years old and when he was 2, he was diagnosed with a very rare, very serious disease.
Nothing prepares you for hearing this.
Nothing hurts more than seeing your child in pain.
There have been times when I felt like I just couldn’t handle everything that goes with caring for Kaden.
I still feel that way at times.
But there is no giving up.
Just like there was no quitting on my team, there is no quitting on my family.
We have to persevere.
We have to keep going no matter what stands in our way.
Our family has learned over the last 9 years to cherish every moment together.
We are never afraid to do anything because we know how to persevere.
I feel the same way about our Trench Training program.
This community is growing slowly but it is growing with a strong foundation.
That’s how I know it will persevere.
I feel extremely grateful for the life I have had to this point and football has played such a huge role in my success.
I’m so excited to see what the future brings with Trench Training.
We are Playing BIG!
Have a safe and happy holiday. We are incredibly grateful for all of you being a part or our Trench Training family.
Coach Steve